A Professional Skateboarding Company
For Skateboarding Professionals

From the Streets to Your Suites!


Why we skate at work

Standing Desk Skateboarding brings the thrill of the pavement straight to your office. Say goodbye to the mundane and hello to the extraordinary as you carve out new paths to success without leaving your workspace behind.”

Performance Enhancing

Carpet boarding is good for your health and increases efficiency. Our extreme office products will elevate your skateboarding-at-work experience, delivering new levels of productivity you never thought possible.

Natural Evolution

Standing Desk Skateboarding represents the natural evolution of office work by seamlessly merging physical activity with professional environments, fostering health, creativity, and productivity.

Corporate Culture Shakeup

Incorporating Standing Desk Skateboarding into the corporate culture propels a monumental shakeup, turning the daily grind into a wild ride that the C-Suite will never forget. HR can’t say shit either.

Gleaming The Cube:

Bring the skate park to the office!

Break free from the daily grind and drop straight in to excitement with Standing Desk Skateboarding. Whether you’re conquering deadlines or concrete, it’s time to thrash your way to success!

Almost all automated

Inspired by real people

Have Questions?

Frequently Asked

Will skateboarding at my standing desk make me irresistible to my colleagues?

Absolutely! Prepare to become the office phenomenon as you glide and kickflip your way through tasks. Don’t be surprised if people start wearing helmets just to feel a part of your exhilarating work day.

Is it true that Standing Desk Skateboards can turn my regular water cooler conversations into epic tales of adventure?

Absolutely! Every trip to the water cooler becomes a legendary journey on your skateboard. Colleagues will gather ’round, eager to hear about your latest daring maneuver around the photocopier or how you carved up the conference room.

Are there any known side effects of integrating Standing Desk Skateboarding into my daily routine?

Side effects may include increased coolness, a sudden surge in work enthusiasm, mild cases of office fame, and in rare instances, an uncontrollable urge to say “gnarly” in business meetings. Use your Standing Desk Skateboard responsibly.

Can I expect to see an increase in my salary after mastering the Standing Desk Skateboarding technique?

While we can’t directly influence payroll decisions, don’t be surprised if your newfound agility and productivity catch the eye of upper management, leading to unexpected bonuses or promotions. Skate your way to the top!

Will using a Standing Desk Skateboard help me finally beat Karen from accounting at the annual office talent show?

This is your moment! With the combination of work and play that the Standing Desk Skateboard offers, you’ll not only surpass Karen’s rendition of “I Will Always Love You,” but you’ll also secure your place in office history. Get ready for a standing ovation!

How do I explain to my boss that this is an essential office upgrade?

Simply show them a before-and-after scenario: the ‘before’ being a mundane, productivity-sapping office environment, and the ‘after’ showcasing a vibrant, active, and highly efficient workspace powered by the magic of Standing Desk Skateboarding. If that doesn’t work, a well-timed kickflip might just seal the deal.

Need to know more?

Need help finding the answers you’re seeking?
Visit our store page for more information.

SDS Music

Office Hardcore Punk

Listen to the finest collection of Office Hardcore anywhere on the internet. These recordings from its heyday in the mid to late 80s truly exemplify the genre and still resonate today.

Office Hardcore Sampler

Office Revolution

Real Professional Grade


Steeze At Work

Infuse your office environment with unparalleled style and flair, blending the essence of skateboarding culture with a professional touch. Standing Desk Skateboards are engineered not just for performance but also to elevate the aesthetics of your workspace, ensuring you stand out while you stand up and skate.


Precision Engineering

Each SDS ramp is crafted with the utmost precision, utilizing top-tier materials and cutting-edge technology. Our designs cater to the specific needs of the working professional, guaranteeing stability, durability, and smooth rolling — essential for multitasking movers and shakers in any field.


Health Meets Productivity

Embrace a novel way to boost both your physical well-being and job performance. With Standing Desk Skateboards, you’re not just investing in a high-quality office skateboarding equipment; you’re investing in a healthier, more dynamic professional lifestyle that will launch your career.

Productivity is on Brand

Find Your Balance: Work, Play, Conquer!

Experience the perfect harmony of productivity and passion with Standing Desk Skateboarding. Elevate your workday, ignite your creativity, and conquer new heights—all while riding the wave of success!”


Proven record of success for like 7 years




Years or so

We’ve got your HR Compliance right here.